Saturday 19 October 2013

Saturday 19th October - Middlewood Speedwork & Hill Reps

The Start
Wow - what a great turnout today (including a guest appearance from Dave Jackson) with over 20 runners getting out of warm and cosy beds to come along for some hard work with speed and hills. We ran about 4 miles with a good set of warm-up drills,  'Donkeys', a speed pyramid and a few hill reps. I think that everybody put a lot into the session today so well done!

We also managed to boost the profits at the Waterside Cafe with some good post-run banter!


Middlewood Donkeys

Speed Pyramid

More speed with Dangerous Dave

Kathryn and Mel

Speedwork over - now for hills


Happy runners!

A very big group today ...

Walk and Talk break?

Farm track ... Kerridge in the distance

Farm Track

Karen & Heather

Nina offered to carry all the spare clothes  ;-)

Hill reps done, on the way home

Nearly back

Louise assumes the 'run for the camera' pose

The end

1 comment:

  1. I object Neil!! I know you are only doing it to wind me up. I shall not rise to the bait (or have I done that by posting a comment?). L
