Friday 4 January 2013

Survey Results

I sent out a survey about the group just before Christmas. I have had 14 responses so far and below is a summary of the results.

1. Would you like to do ParkRun:
Answer: 13 Yes (10 Congleton, 3 Bramhall). 1 No
Response: I propose that we will do ParkRun evry 4-6 weeks and do both Bramhall & Congleton

2. Do you want to do Off-Road running (eg Macc Forest):
Answer:14 Yes, 0 No
Response: We will do more off-road running (especially when the weather improves)

3.  Do you want 'track sessions':
Answer: 12 Yes, 2 No
Response: I will arrange periodic track sessions - the track costs £49.10/hr shared between us all

4. Do you want 'speedwork' sessions:
Answer: 12 Yes, 2 No (comments are that everybody understands the need for this!
Response: We will do speedwork either as part of a normal run or as a special session

5. Do you want 'hill' sessions:
Answer: 11 Yes, 3 No (comments are that everybody understands the need for this!
Response: We will do hill work either as part of a normal run or as a special session

6. Do you want the group to target a race in 2013:
Answer: 9 Yes, 3 No, 2 skipped this. Comments suggest a local 10K
Response: We will agree on a suitable 10K in the spring and autumn (maybe a Totton 10K and Gawsworth)

7. Would you like a session about running technique and are you prepared to pay:
Answer: 12 Yes (pay), 1 Yes (not pay), 1 No
Response: I am looking to find a coach from England Athletics to come along to help us - hopefully free or a modest charge - we would probably do this at the track

8.  Would you like a private discussion forum:
Answer: 12 Yes, 2 No
Response: Forum is already live and 6 group members have already joined and are using it - contact me for access. Click here for more

9. Do you like coffee afterwards:
Answer: 13 Yes, 1 No (no time)
Response: Where possible meet for coffee afterwards

10: Any other feedback:
Answers: The general feedback is that we have created a friendly and sociable group which is inclusive. The majority of people like the variety of different routes, different activities. Basically the feedback is to carry on pretty much as it is.

Thanks to those that filled the survey in!


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