Saturday, 28 April 2012

Saturday 28th April

The group met at 9.30am in the Bollin Valley (Riverside) Car Park. After all the recent rain we were lucky and had some sunshine.

Due to a number of reasons (work, illness, hair appointments) the group numbers were down with Joanne, Nina & Divya (N) coming along.

Despite the recent rain we decided to run along the Bollin Valley to Prestbury and back (this is a standard 4 mile route) but due to a recent chest infection Divya was finding this a i bit difficult so Neil & Divya returned from Shirley's bridge leaving Joanne & Nina the task of 'catching us up' It was a close thing but Divya got back to the start just in front.

Hopefully we'll get a better turnout next week.


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Saturday 21st April

The group met at 9.30am in the Bollin Valley (Riverside) Car Park. We had a great turnout with Joanne, Sarah, Louise, Bev, Philip, Nina and a new member Divya (yes - we now have two members called Divya!). Karen and Divya Nair could not make it this week due to illness.

Luckily the weather cleared up and the group decided to run the '5k circuit' (Middlewood, Marlbrough Rd, Manchester Road, Dorchester Way etc) but as Divya (Kkumar) has a knee problem Neil and Divya cut the route short. Louise very kindly provided the group with home made marshmallows. Yummy.


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Saturday 14th April

Meet at 9.30 in Bollin Valley (Riverside) car park - group to decide route etc.

Neil is Away.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Saturday 7th April - NO RUN

As this is Easter weekend and so many people are away there is no group run this week (unless any group members contact each other and arrange something).
